We pick the IKSTER.
You find Ikki talking to Kent at the side. When he spots you, he suggests that you two sneak away on a drive
Ikki tells you that your destination is a secret and that you'll have plenty of time to rest tomorrow as there's no work. First you have to get away in secret and go to Kent's house because he left the car there or something idk.
Outside Kent's house
Ikki asks you if it's okay to stay overnight and you agree. Your answer makes him happy and says that it's a good feeling to follow a schedule but doing something spontaneous also gives a good feeling, and that Kent and him often do things on a whim. He then talks about looking for beetle shells(?) on the mountains. They take the car and stop it between some trees and then they find them on foot, however doing that tonight is no good because it's too cold. He then asks you if you two shall have an adventure together. Orion points out that his remark sounds like something from either a shounen or shoujo manga, but the difference between meanings of the two can also be seen. Kent comes back from preparing the car and tells you that the trip will take two and a half hours if you go over the speed limit. Ikki tells you to sit beside him in the backseat but Kent interjects saying that the front seat will be empty. Ikki reasons that if he sits in front, you will be lonely, and if you sit in front he won't allow it because he'll get jealous (*´▽`*)Kent tells him not to be so narrow-minded and Ikki agrees reluctantly, saying that he is slightly sensitive. The reason might be because your appearance in a yukata is too cute. He can't help but show that he is jealous because that is his true feelings, that's why you should sit with him. Kent is like "Why are you doing this since she's not even your lover?" and Orion's like "Oh yeah you're not his lover!" Because of Ikki's assertiveness, it's hard to know what your real relationship with him is, if it is mutual or just one-sided. Kent acquiesces and tells you to sit beside Ikki and that Ikki will not do anything. If he will, Kent will intervene.
Orion wonders what kind of place they'll take you to that'll take two and a half hours to get there. Ikki then leads the way to the car, saying that if you get sleepy to put your head in his lap and vice-versa.
You arrive in the mountains and Ikki asks if you're tired. Orion wonders where the heck this place is
It is pitch black in the mountains and that it's good that he bought a flashlight in the convenience store on the way here. Kent says that there may be accidents if you go deeper and Ikki agrees saying that you'll only look for a little more before going back. Then he wonders if coming here in a yukata was a bad idea since it is not easy to walk in it where the forest floor is covered with tree roots. Kent apologize in behalf of your fallind down twice but he couldn't let the experience from his and Ikki's beetle catching go to waste and that he should make use of it. Ikki and Kent talk about the differences between then and now where they are wearing yukata as opposed to the former. Ikki says that bringing a woman here isn't safe and Kent agrees then why did you bring her?.
Kent mentions that the news announced that some of the fireflies died because of the cold and they wonder if the missing fireflies in the riverbank was killed off by the cool air. Ikki and Kent ask you if you would like to continue searching for the fireflies and you answer that you should just look for beetles instead. Ikki says that it's a nice idea but it will make the entire point of the trip worhtless. He then says that in kent's laboratory there is a huge mantis on his window and Kent says that the beetle was bigger than in his childhood. He and Kent argued about it's size and Kent says that it's impossible for Ikki to know of the things exact size as Ikki was not present when he saw it. That iwas when their game of beetle hunting started and Orion's like ┐( ̄ー ̄)┌
Ikki mentions that the car is parked beside some trees and the insects might get attracted to its light but Kent says that it will only attract moths and worms. They then bored me with their talk of insects and larvae and blah that I kept on pressing X and skipped most of the conversation. I read the conversation again when Kent mentions that Ikki was smaller than Rika when they were children lol they then argue about some pointless things before thy remembered that you were still there. Gee, thanks.
Ikki apologizes and you're like "Ikki-san, kawaii desu neeeee" and he's like "Is that a compliment? Do you say that to other men?" Orion is confused if he's happy you called him cute or if he's angry. Ikki then talks about how a girl giving love to a guy bigger than her is cute or something like that. Is that called maternal instinct? He then says that he is more attracted to you then ever. Kent joins saying that you all are in the mountains late at night so there is no time for seducing people and Ikki's like oh you're still there lol Kent goes on a spiel about how he's not interested and love, etc, blablabla.
You ask Ikki why is he doing these things with her and he answers that because he wants to please you, or is that wasn't what you want to hear? You then ask them if they don't want to return to your rooms and they agree saying that it's bad for any of you to catch a cold. It's too bad you didn't get to see the fireflies but you should all return to your rooms and take warm drinks.
Back at the lounge, Ikki orders coffee and asks Kent if he wants some. Kent declines saying that he's too tired and that he will retire to his room to rest so that he will have the energy to drive later. Ikki agrees and went to order the drinks. After he comes back telling you that the coffee will be ready in 10 minutes, he talks to you about enjoying the moon being a nice substitute for the fireflies and that it's not too cold to take a peek outside. Orion marvels at the pretty scene and wonders if the moon is so bright because the armosphere is clear. Ikki turns up his charm and aologizes for making you walk a lot tonight without seeing the fireflies. He brought you here because you had seemed impressed with the fireflies when you all when on a trip last year so he figured he's let you see them again this year. He then talks about how there will still be a next year and a memory comes back to you.
You remember that last year all of your friends went on a trip last year and watched the fireflies and that the promise you made wasn't with just one person but with all of them.
You get dizzy and almost fall but Ikki catches you, misunderstanding you being tired that's why you swayed on your feet.

He then asks if this position is alright and that you should stay like this until the coffee is ready. He tells you that he had wanted to take you from Tokyo not to show you the fireflies, but he just wanted to take you out to some place far-away. He wants to talk with just the two of you. He says that he loves embracing you, and that you see him as just a man and not an object of love. He is disappointed that you don't see him that way, but he is happy like this too. He doesn't know what to think of you but he knows that he is certainly interested in you. Ikki is curious on why you're not attracted to him, but he doesn't understand it himself. He doesn't want to let go of you and he laughs because he feels you stiffening. He tells you that it's alright because he'll just hug you. He then asks why aren't you in love with him, and that he worries about you so much. Really, it's mysterious. What is love, really? Surely it's not all about hugs and kisses. Will you teach him...? He hopes that you two will meet again after returning to Tokyo. He will let you go if you promise, so what will you do? You promise him and he thanks you, saying that he is glad. Ikki then invites you to the firefly festival next week saying that it may be no use this time, surely next time the fireflies will appear even if they're fake. In addition, he would like to see you in your yukata again.
Ikki then says that he lied when he said that he will let go of your hand if you promise. Because you're too cute, he doesn't want to let go. There are still five more minutes before the coffee is ready so let him be this way with you until then, embracing you closely.
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