Toma's After Story continues after his Good End in the original game.
Toma brings you back to your own apartment after the whole fanclub fiasco and he assures you that it won't ever happen again (or else he'll... you know). He also wonders if the cyber bullying will also stop from now on. He says that if he announces that he is your boyfriend, the men harassing you online will decrease. Toma wants to bring you back to his house for further protection and promises to never do anything that you hate. You ask how long will you stay and he answers that it depends on you. You had endured months of trying to confess to Toma and now that you have you want to spend as much time together as possible. You use your amnesia as a reason and say that to recover your memories, you must stay with him but only if Toma agrees since you don't want to trouble him.
When you two arrive at his house, he apologizes for causing you those wounds and bruises
The skin skips to where you're treating your wounds while he prepares curry for dinner. You think to yourself that you shouldn't depend on Toma for everything and you ask him if you can help. He says it's alright but he doesn't want your clothes to get dirty as he doesn't have an apron and because you're the guest. In the end, he agrees after you say that you really want to help.
He teaches you how to cook curry and I won't put all the steps here because this is not a cooking review. It's quite boring reading through the conversation about how to chop celeries and carrots to put in the curry lol. You then compliment him that he's good at cooking and he answers that it can't be helped because he's living alone. You get all depressed because you want to be good at cooking too and Toma assures you that you're a good waitress
You ask if he's jealous as if it wasn't obvious enough and he says that it's not because of your waitress costume that he's jealous and that a man's heart is complicated. He wants you to say those words only to him and you ask if it will please Toma if you will say to him in his house. and he's like ∑(゚ロ゚〃). Because you two kept on talking you forgot that you were cooking and you burn the curry lol
You apologize for burning the curry but Toma doesn't really care. You're sad because you want Toma to say that you're cooking is OISHI and that you'll work harder. He says that you're admirable and you answer that every girl tries their best for the person they love. Toma is happy that you work so hard for him and wonders why you're doing it for someone like him.
You two are interrupted by Waka calling on Toma's phone and the manager wants Toma to take on more shifts as some of the staff caught a cold. You ask if you will go but Toma says that he'll go, also to repay Waka's kindness probably for giving you some days off. He is worried about leaving you alone but you assure him it's alright. Toma then randomly talks about how he had been saving money to give to Shin as a graduation gift or something the back to the real topic, he once again asks if you'll be okay for two or more days and you reassure him that you'll behave yourself. He reminds you that if you want to go out, you should stay in places where there are plenty of people, and also you should call someone to accompany you. Shin is the best choice or at least a female friend, and that you should avoid any strange men approaching you.
Toma just finished taking a bath. You are then surprised to see Toma in his pajamas
Toma turns off the lights so you two could sleep and you ask why he's on the floor and he answers that he doesn't want to inconvenience you. Haven't we talked about this in the original game Toma? The girl wants you to sleep with her lol.
In the end you can't sleep at all. You can hear Toma's deep breathing so you know he's already asleep. You wonder if it's painful for him to sleep on the floor? He is likely enduring the pain. You then get the sudden urge to stare at Toma's face and you try to do so quietly but Toma catches you being a creeper since he wasn't really asleep lol You ask him if it's okay for him to sleep on the floor and he's like I love the floor so it's awright gurl. You ask why won't he just sleep with you in the bed and be done with it but he's like men are dangerous I don't wanna accidentally bang you or something but you're like PLEEEASE and he finally agrees and we get this cute CG (ᗒᗊᗕ)
You tell him that you want to turn around and see his face and he says that it will be no good since if he sees your face he will want to kiss you. He then talks about his Cage of Love and that he wants you to forgive him for keeping you in it. Toma suggests that you two do a test period as lovers for a while. He's scared that you'll lose your amiability for him and wants the lovers trial period to erase all the negativity to be replaced by the happy times you two get as a couple. If you will hate him even after the trial period, you are free to break up with him. He wants to give you a choice, something that he didn't offer you at first. You then tell him that you won't let him escape because despite everything, you absolutely love the kindness that he has and he should understand that you don't want to part with him. 『トーマ、大好き……』
Toma's surprised face cracked me up btw. He tells you to stop saying things like that or else he won't stop himself. You tell him that you want to kiss
You then realize that he kept you in his house because he wants to protect you so that you can have a happy future even if in the end you would hate him. It was all for you. But you won't be happy if there is no Toma as it is impossible for you to hate him. Why won't Toma understand...?
The next morning, the first thing you say is Toma's name and he's like it's so cute that the first word you say in the morning and the last word you say at night is his name. He asks you if you slept alright and you answer that you didn't at first. It was the same for him as he slept in the middle of trying to contain himself from jumping you or something, since after all he is still a man. You then say that you slept good because Toma was hugging you tightly and because you were relieved that he was right by your side the whole time. He asks how can you be relieved being with such a dangerous man lol. You're like Toma is not a dangerous man. Being with him makes you happy and that being together with him in the same house makes you ecstatic.
Toma then says that he understands that it was okay for him to embrace you because you don't think of him as a man, but even so, you were so sugoi kawaii at that moment. You disagree of course but he answers that he was just teasing and you're like Toma no Baka~~~ He then gives you a surprise kiss LOL
He tells you that it's revenge for torturing him that night, but nevertheless, you seemed to sleep well in his arms. He then notices your red face and asks if you're angry, and you answer that it's unfair of him to give you a surprise kiss and that it was the coward's way out. He agrees to being a coward ever since the old days.
Toma's shift for the day is from 12:00 until 4:00, and although it's short it's the time when the shop is the most crowded. Before he goes, he says to you that he would want to hear you say 『行ってらっしゃい』 but he leaves before you can say anything. After he disappears, you try to say it and wonder if this was the feeling of being newly married.
As you wait for 4:00 to arrive, you contemplate cleaning his house. You then see your diary, seeing that the last time you wrote on it was on July 31. As you read the entry, the doorbell rings and you wonder if Toma left something. In the end, the visitor was Rika and that she has something to give you. You ask if she's alone and she assures you that no fanclub members were with her. She gives you a CD containing an apology from the members of the fanclub and that the contents had been uploaded on the net earlier at 9 in the morning. She also placed the URL in the CD. You thank her and that you'll also tell Toma and Rika is surprised that you're expressing gratitude to her of all people. You answer that it's weird if you receive something without saying anything, but Rika says that it's understandable to snub her especially if it's with your current situation. You tell her that you're not angry with Rika at all because Rika took care of you in a way when you joined the fanclub, so it is difficult for you to hate her. Still, Rika couldn't understand why you're not angry. Personally, I don't understand too lol. Rika declares that if she was in your place, she would hate herself. She feels so disgusting by having a one-sided rivalry with a person who has no ill feelings for her. As the head of the fanclub, she humbly lowers her pride in front of you. She then says that because of your attitude, there is a possibility that you're the one who Ikki will love. But you say that you love Toma and not Ikki, but she tells you that there is still time for change. You answer that it's the normal thing to happen, but you only love Toma.
Rika couldn't believe that there is a woman who stared at Ikki's eyes that didn't fall in love with him and you mention that Ikki said the same thing, and maybe the reason why you didn't fall for him was because you loved another.
You then say that Rika resembles Toma and she is surprised. She resembles Toma in the fact that they think about their loved one's happiness and doesn't care about how they act. Toma is the kind of person that doesn't mind being hated as long as you're happy. Rika tells you that you're situations are different because she has been in love with Ikki since middle school, but you deny it and say that you've been secretly chasing after Toma for 19 years already. (really? Since birth or something?) and Rika's like 19 YEARS?! You explain that Toma and you are childhood friends and that you knew each other since birth. You loved Toma since childhood, and you still love Toma until now. In your case, you will love Toma until the end of time if that is possible, so you definitely understand Rika's feelings.
Rika then realize how useless it is harboring hostility to someone like you. She then ask you what attracted you to Toma so she'll understand the reason why you don't like Ikki. You answer that Toma is amazing and also good-looking but Rika says that Ikki is also the same. You then say that Toma is very kind to you and that he always helps you when you needed something, protecting you from others. He was the one who cleaned after your mailbox after all and you didn't notice. Rika is surprised at how stupid you are for not noticing and she's then like isn't that the work of a stalker? And you're like LOL NO TOMA IS NOT A STALKER. Rika then says that maybe Toma is a bad character after all and you mention that another childhood friend says that about Toma too. Rika is then interested in meeting Toma to see what kind of person he is but since he's not at home, maybe another time. You tell her that Toma is working part-time at Meido no Hitsuji now. She is then worried about Toma and Ikki being at the same place because she has caused a tension between them because of the wretched fanclub thingie but you assure her that it's alright since Toma is willing to turn a blind eye to it.
Rika invites you to go with her to see Toma and Ikki but you tell her that Toma gets worried if you stay out for a long time and she tells you that she will bring you home properly since you are Ikki's friend. You agree to go with her, if that's the case.
You arrive at Meido no Hitsuji. Rika seems to have the same assassin instincts as Toma since she explains to you the best position to enter the cafe without being seen. You two idiots sneak in the back to spy on Toma and Ikki, and you saw them smiling. You notice that the atmosphere wasn't bad between them and that they are getting along. Rika mentions that with Toma, Waka, and Ikki lining up together, they look attractive lol and you agree. Up close, Rika also comments that Toma is a good-looking person, and that he looks strong and gentle but still Ikki reigns supreme in her heart. You're happy that Toma is praised. And because Toma probably has this built in heroine-radar and GPS he finally notices you and Rika spying on them. When Toma sees Rika with you he's like (#`皿´) GET AWAY FROM HER thinking that Rika will do something to you again. You try to calm Toma down and that you and Rika came to confirm that Toma and Ikki are getting along.
Then Toma's like I may be irritated with you but you're so cute so I can't lol he tells you that he's taking you home because he still doesn't trust Rika.
Toma then tells Rika that he already investigated the possible places to where the fanclub members can spy on and that he's removed all the hidden cameras she installed because Toma is a professional stalker. Ikki is amazed with how Toma is when losing his temper and says that Toma's reaction was normal. Rika then says that she is afraid of getting Toma more angry. Goes to show that Toma is probably the scariest person in this game... Ikki then asks if you're alright because Toma was having a one-sided argument with you and thinks that you two argue like a husband and wife. He then asks about your confession and you give him the thumbs up to which he congratulates you. Ikki is so bro here! He asks what Toma's reaction was like and you tell him that it's too embarrassing to say. Ikki challenges you to a game of darts and if he wins you have to tell him what happened. Rika exposes that Ikki is a professional at darts and he is exasperated at her for ruining his plan. He changes the challenge to cards but before you can answer Toma arrives.
While going home, you apologize to Toma for worrying him and at first he's annoyed but forgives you anyway. He is surprised that you got along with the person that hurt you and you ask him why he disliked Rika so much. You explain to him that when Mine told you to enter the fanclub for her, Rika was kind to you but Toma tells you that as the president of the fanclub, it is Rika's responsibility to be kind. You think so too but at that time you still felt that Rika was kind so you can't be angry with her. Besides, it's enough that Toma is angry for the both of you. Toma thinks you're too optimistic and careless and you agree with him lol. He then takes your hand just like when you were children and you notice that his hand is bigger than yours and warmer, a huge difference since childhood since his hands were smaller and softer as a kid.
You mention a memory when you were in grade school and it was winter when the snow piled up. You had forgotten your gloves and Toma had wrapped your hands with his. He also remembers how you and Shin made a very big snowman back then. He wants to see the faces you and Shin made because he thinks it was cute. You tell him that Toma treated you like a child and you remind him that he's only 1 year older than you. He then tells you that it's not about the age and that he felt that it was his duty to protect you and Shin.
You then apologize again for sneaking around with Rika. You tell him that you talked about him with her, why you love Toma, how is Toma kind, how much he means to you... You just made Rika understand that you are not in love with Ikki. It also made you happy talking about the person you love. You ask him how long he has loved you. He tells you that just like in your diary, because you two attended school together since childhood and occasionally played after school, he didn't mind you. During middle school, your chances to meet decreased. Club activites got in the way and you gained friends of the same gender. If he was lucky, he could see you at least once a week. Guys began to notice you and then he realized that he was in love with you. When you met again and you treated him like your oniichan, it felt amazing and painful for him at the same time. He then confirms if you loved him since childhood.
You tell him that you were in an unrequited love since the beginning. In his mind, he didn't want to lose the position of a close childhood friend so he didn't act on his feelings. He thanks you for making the first move as he was too cowardly to do so. You tell him you love him suddenly and he thanks you before saying not to talk about these things in public because it is no place for a love scene lol
Back at home, you volunteered for laundry duty because you didn't want for Toma to see you underwear but he sees them anyway. You also volunteer to do the cleaning when Toma is away. He is hesitant because there are things a man has that a girl shouldn't see and refuses to further discuss the topic. He tells you that you don't need to do anything. He gets distracted by the washing machine and you think that you want to know what Toma is hiding but it can be seen as violation of privacy. Toma reading your diary doesn't count because he did so accidentally. But still, you decide to violate it a little lol
You hunt for the possible places to where he might hide something and you found something behind the bookshelf. It was a type of notebook, maybe an album. Toma finishes fixing the laundry and he saw you opening the photo album. Before he can stop you, you flip through the page and found the thing he's been hiding.
It was your photograph LOL Creeper Toma strikes again
You apologize for seeing it then you ask him how he got hold of your high school picture. He tells you that he bought it from someone at the school festival. He got the others from a kohai and the other one from a friend in the film making club. Toma then admits that he feels like a stalker. Then you get embarrassed and admit that you also have a collection of Toma's pictures that you got from Shin. Woah they're meant to be :D Toma then realizes that reason why Shin was always taking pictures of him with his camera phone lol Shin apparently forwards it to you by mail.
Later that night, you and Toma sleep together again. He asks you if your shoulder still hurts to which you reply that it's almost healed. You then mention to him about your dream since childhood, that you wanted to become Toma's bride when you grew up, with you cooking his meals, sending him away, spending time when he comes back and sleeping in the same bed. He remembers that whenever you said that, he is teased by everyone around him. You apologize but that was what a happy future meant to you. Half of it is happening now and you're very happy.
In the middle of the night, you notice that your back is cold and that Toma is not behind you. You find him awake and you ask him if he left because he didn't want to be with you. He denies it and tells you that he's feeling crushed with guilt by what he did to you. You should hate him for what he did to you but you're too kind for that. If one commits a crime, one must be given suitable punishment.
In the morning while you prepare breakfast, Toma is amazed with the high quality of the CD Rika gave you. He talks about the work Rika and the other members placed on it and he is somewhat amazed also. In the end, Toma tells you that your one week is up and that you can now go home. You are reluctant because you want to be with Toma for a long time. Toma tells you that he has no work today as Waka told him to take a rest today and tomorrow so you and him have time to go shopping together. You agree to go after finishing tea.
Outside the shopping district, Toma opens the topic of when you pulled him off to go to the lingerie shop, asking you of what your intentions were. You tell him that there was no deeper meaning and you just wanted someone to consult with. He embarrassedly changes the topic and he asks you where you want to go.
You tell him that you want sweets. You ask him if he wants to eat pancakes and he questions the connection of pancakes and sweets. You tell him about the time Toma's mom made pancakes and that you want to eat some. Toma suggests for you to learn how to make them from his mom, and that his mom will also be pleased to spend time with you. You ask him if it's not a trouble and he assures you that it isn't as his mom always wanted a daughter. In the end, you bought 2 pieces of huge butter.
Next, you want to buy some kitchen wares because you want to put them in Toma's house. Toma asks why because you'll go home and you sulk, saying that you'll still want to go play at Toma's house and make him food, so you want to buy an apron. He agrees and offers to choose the apron for you. He tells you that a man wants to see his partner in an apron at least once. After buying the apron, Toma mentions that your taste in design from childhood didn't change much.
Next, you want to take a peek in the game shop. Toma tells you that he'll lend you his games at home but you're like oh it's okay I finished all your games and overwrote your saved data but thanks anyway. You tell Toma that you defeated all his records and he is surprised lol He thinks your talented in gaming. In the end, you bought an otome game mixed with mystery, suspense, and fantasy. Which meant you bought an AMNESIA game lol
Last but not the least, the lingerie shop o(^▽^)o
Toma tells you that this time, he's gonna wait for you outside the shop instead of going in and that you're going to another lingerie shop. Apparently, the same employee from the previous time you went there is on duty and recognizes you and Toma. And he's all Σ(゜ロ゜;) what is this trap?! because he was trying to avoid being seen. We see the same CG as the last time~
The employee throws you some seductive lingerie to which Toma is so embarrassed that he keeps on yelling in panic lol
Employee: Do you want to emphasize your girlfriend's cleavage by having a front hook on the bra?
Toma: What.... I don't want that!!
Emplyee: Oh~ You don't want to emphasize your girlfriend's chest size...? Then how about these new mini shorts with loose ribbons on the side?
Toma: WTF
Toma: EXCUSE ME I'LL COME BACK LATER *runs like a bat out of hell*
After meeting up again, Toma mentions that he feels like his lifespan shortened considerably.
Outside, Toma complains about the weather. You two talk about vegetables and pots. You ask him if he drinks and he enjoys them to some extent but he avoids drinking them in front of you. You ask him why he's doing all these things for you, and he answers that because you like it, because you're cute, because he wants to protect you, and because he wants to make you happy. He then tells you if you two become lovers, he will take good care of you.
You two come back home and Toma's phone rings. He needs to meet someone and you wonder if it's a friend from university. You decide to make the arrange what you bought earlier and you wonder on where to put the earthenware pot that you bought. You wonder when Toma will come back.
Then you hear the voice of ORION HOW I MISS THIS FAIRY
Orion tells you to go after Toma, and though you don't know who's talking to you the voice sounds familiar. You're scared, but you chose to believe the voice and run after Toma. You find Toma with Shin wherein Shin punches Toma.

Shin tells Toma that he really wants to punch him again but you tell him to stop. He asks you why you want him to stop punching Toma, as Toma made you drink drugs and kept you in a cage. You tell Shin that everything was caused by your actions. Everything that Toma did was because of you. That time at the end of July, you got an email from an unknown person. It was on the 25th of July. The mails were disgusting, and it acted like chain mails as it was sent to you everytime. Then insults were stuck into your mailbox, and you immediately knew that the members of Ikki's fanclub did it. You had intended to talk to Ikki about it but you had no evidence that it was from them. You were about to tell Sawa and the others but you didn't want to trouble them. Shin asks why you didn't tell him and you tell him that if you told him it will no doubt still reach Toma. Shin tells you that he would have stayed silent if you wanted, but you tell him that Toma is a ninja knows if you tell a lie so all you could do was to remain silent. As for the harassment, it was only a little damage by letters and emails. Then you decided to confess to Toma in one week. If it succeeds, you and Toma will become lovers. The harassment will eventually disappear because you were not aiming for Ikki at all. You didn't think about what would happen if the confession failed. Anyway, you had decided to endure it for one week.
Toma interjects that the harassment he saw was not a little thing. You admit that when the bullying escalated, you were really scared and disgusted and that you hated the feeling, but you just had to endure it. Shin finally understands but asks you if what Toma did was okay because you love him? There is codependence between you two and it makes Shin sick. You tell him that there are other things that are much more scarier than Toma, therefore you are glad that Toma is by your side. Toma tried to protect you from all that was happening, working very hard while suffering from all the guilt he was feeling, he kept his promise from the past, that's why you forgave Toma.
Shin then calls you two idiots. Even if he dislikes it, he won't do anything about it. Toma apologizes but Shin punches him again.
Shin: You're the coward of all cowards, such a useless waste of space!
After the endless abundance of the word BAKA in Shin's sentences, he tells you off for being and idiot and not sensing atmospheres and to be more aware of your surroundings. You then say that you will rely on Shin too.
In the end, the three of you get together for nabe in Toma's house because you want for all of you to finally reconcile while Toma holds an ice pack to his face.

After the nabe, Toma invites Shin to come to his house again for more nabe and Shin asks why only nabe. Toma answers because you bought too much Chinese cabbage lol. After Shin leaves, Toma asks you if tomorrow you're going back to your house because you're not being harassed anymore since his house was only a refuge for you to hide in. You thank him and tell him that you'll definitely come back to visit him. He tells you not to make that face while saying that and you ask what kind of expression you're making. He tells you that your expression is like you want to cry but you keep it in by smiling instead. He asks if returning to him is so unpleasant that you want to cry but you deny it. You tell him to listen to your selfishness one more time, that you want to become Toma's girlfriend, that you want to spend time together with Toma more and more. During those three days of being his lover made you so happy since it was your childhood dream. Still, you are not Toma's bride so it's a bit different, but it made you unbelievably happy. Therefore returning to your normal life will be so lonely, though it should have been enough just to be able to experience being Toma's lover. Imagining waving a hand to Toma and leaving makes you want to cry.
After listening to you, Toma makes the decision to ask for your hand in marriage, as he wants you to be by his side forever. He once didn't want to betray your parents since they are abroad but the desire to possess you was too great (possess?!) and that being separated from you for more than 24 hours will be torture.

He plans to ask your father for your hand tomorrow, and he brings up the fact that the both of you are still students. It will be hard, but he thinks you're the best thing that happened to him. he will love you for the rest of his life and that he won't hide it. You're the only choice for him since the beginning, therefore, he wants you to be his wife. We will be happy despite what Shin and the others will say. For a long long time.... you will be together forever.
The next day, Toma tells his mom that you're going to get married and she's like it's about time! but Toma seemed to mix the order of things as you two lived together before marriage. It seemed like Shin told her that you were living together for two weeks already lol In the end it is revealed that both his mom and your parents are secretly waiting for this for a long time. His mom suggests you sleep in separate rooms until you graduate university. his mom is like you good-for-nothing child of mine, what am I going to do with you? XD She then orders Toma to ask for permission from your parents through the phone.
After the call ends, Toma asks you if you heard all of it and you answer that his mom's voice is a bit loud. He then wonders about the possibilit of being punched by your father. Anyway, he decides to call your parents later.
Toma then tells you that there will no more "また明日" and "バイバイ" anymore. There only will be "行ってらっしゃい" and "おかえり" for you two. You will wake up as one, sleep as one, from this day forward. Similar to your dreams since childhood. He promises to make you happy.
Toma is too tense and keeps on putting off calling your parents and you tell him to do his best. He answers that he'll do his beat, today and tomorrow, with you.

"On August 28, I became Toma's fiancee."
The route ends with you and Toma on a date, to which he asks what ride you prefer. You answer the one that's not scary and he recommends the roller coaster. You tell him you two should just ride the ferris wheel and he answers that he will go anywhere if it makes you happy.

It is revealed that you two are living together but are keeping it somewhat lowkey with the others. Toma is teased for it at school but he is happy. When you see a child waving at you from below, Toma mentions that someday you two will have your own child. After an abundance of "I love yous" the ferris wheel reaches the top and he steals a kiss from you.
This route was a roller coaster of feels for me. I don't care what others thinks about Toma, this route was so cute that I might be puking rainbows and hearts soon, especially the bed parts and the parts when he confesses his love and asks for the heroine's hand in marriage. Few appreciate how Toma just wants the heroine to be happy, he just, ugh, did it in a really bad way lol
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